
First of all, are twin flames chosen? Why can’t you just have a ‘normal‘ boring and run-of-the-mill relationship? Why does it have to be this… complicated (and utterly incredible simultaneously)?

How much of your twin flame journey is truly up to you and your twin making choices.

twin flames

Can You Choose To Be A Twin Flame? 

Twin flames can’t choose to be or not to be a flame soul. As a part of your 3D experience, you are born as the vessel of a twin flame soul, just like your divine counterpart

In fact, it’s your twin flame souls that choose if and when to be born into the 3D experience. They choose the relationship blueprint to work on and the wounds, shadows, inner child issues, and karmic debts to heal and overcome. 

Your twin flame soul tie is not a choice either. It’s an unbreakable and neverending cord between your flame souls, which will only transform into part of your newly merged souls once you achieve your ultimate divine union.

You could ask yourself how it came to be that a higher-dimensional entity split into multiple flame souls. Who or why made that choice? That is up for debate.

Some believe that it’s the Universe and your higher power that chose for that to happen. As the flame souls incarnate into the 3D experience, they work steadily at uplighting the frequency of Mother Earth, Gaia, and all life

Others say that it’s your initial form that chooses to embark on this adventure for the greater good. Once the split happens, it’s a chance to work on raising your frequencies as divine counterparts and then raise your frequency after your final merging phase. 

Your struggles as flames end up uplifting the frequency of all existence. And through your ascension and ultimate union that leads to merging, you slowly unite all spiritual entities and merge into a new form of consciousness. 

Can You Choose Your Twin Flame? 

Once your flame soul counterpart is born into the 3D, you can’t choose whether they are your twin flame or not. Nor can they, for that matter

Your twin flame soul contracts are set as part of your 3D experiences. Your twin flame’s sacred destiny is to achieve spiritual growth and development and ascend exactly like your own. Once that happens, you can harmonize with each other’s energy and work on your divine union. 

Once the twin flame soul is born into the 3D experience, it’s who they are. But the question is: do you only have one twin flame, or are there more souls out there with your same energy signature?

There are two theories about this. One believes that as a twin flame soul, you only have one twin flame divine counterpart. The other believes that an initial soul could split into multiple flame soul counterparts that can then find each other and unite depending on their spiritual progress. 

Two Become One

In the first scenario, your soul and your twin’s soul are halves of an initial higher-dimensional entity. Once you achieve divine union and merge, you become that higher dimensional entity but at a higher frequency than the initial one. 

Multiples Become One

In the other scenario, you have multiple twin flame fractions out there in the Universe. Based on the progress and growth of each of you, you can connect to one or another twin flame soul to achieve divine union and merge until you reach the final level of becoming the initial entity at a higher frequency.

Multiples Become Two, Two Become One

The two theories don’t necessarily contradict each other. You can see one of them as being the advanced form of the other. Meaning the initial soul could have splintered into multiple fragments. 

Those fragments could have been achieving divine union and merging until you end up with the final two flame souls. Once they achieve their final divine union, they get to the final merging phase

If you believe the multiple fragments theory, then in theory you could choose between twin flame souls to connect to before each lifetime. During that lifetime, you and your twins can choose which flames to connect with based on the progress each has made and your frequencies. 

What You Can Choose About Your Twin Flame Journey

There are things that are out of your control as part of a 3D human experience. 

Your flame soul is what it is. You can’t choose for it to be or not to be a flame soul. Your twin flame is a flame soul, too. You can’t choose whether they are one or not. Neither can they.  

In that respect, you can’t choose what you are on a spiritual level. You’re both flames, whether you like or enjoy it or not, at various points of your twin flame journey. 

But how you go about your twin flame journey is entirely up to you and to your divine counterpart. It’s a matter of your and your twin’s free will. You get to choose when you make progress, how, how much of it, and at what pace

And just as you get to make your choices, your mirror soul does the same. You make your choices, go through your 3D experiences, and see when and how that leads you to connect and start your work as a twin flame couple

Once you become a twin flame couple, the work is certainly not done. In fact, some serious phases of your work are only just now beginning! And you get to choose how you navigate that phase as well. 

On this part of the twin flame journey, you can benefit greatly from the Bright Flame Unification Blueprint. It can help support and guide you toward making this part of your journey a bit smoother. And it’s up to you and your twin flame to make that choice as well.  

When you look at things from a higher spiritual vantagepoint, there are some things that aren’t up to you. And then there are many things which are entirely up to you and your twin’s free will. 
It’s up to you how you navigate this experience. That is entirely your choice!

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