This week it’s the Divine Feminine’s turn to work with intense energies, dear collective. Solutions start to come in as you work through and release karmic debts.
On September 12, there’s a Moon-Uranus (retrograde) square. You might struggle with coming up with solutions to your issues. Fears and anxieties related to feelings of inadequacy and insecurities can come (back) up.
Divine Feminines in particular can feel discouraged or disheartened about the twin flame journey.
September 13 brings the energy of the Moon activating Virgo. You enter a phase of looking deep within. Maybe you’ll find your answers by analyzing everything you know and finding out what you still have to look into or review.
As September 15 comes around, there’s a New Moon in Virgo. You might try to find answers that can only come to you within divine timing. Doubts can plague you even if you do come up with a solution or an answer.
On the same date, the Moon moves into Libra. Karmic balance is slowly being restored. Soul contracts can come (back) up to reach a new milestone or move toward their resolution.
Twin flame relationships and connections can enter a deeper phase of embracing and celebrating the soul bond. You’re harmonizing with each other through every spiritual, emotional, and balanced interaction.
Mercury goes direct on the 15th as well. Telepathic communication and interaction intensify. The insights you gain come easier to process and then share. Twins become more open to exchanges of energy.
Throat chakra blockages can be cleared now. No-contact situations can come to an end. Or at least you make progress in breaking the ice or interacting after a break with your twin.
Finally, there’s a Moon-Pluto (retrograde) trine on the 15th. Karmic connections or patterns can become clearer. But karmic connections, interactions, and patterns can also (re)emerge from your subconscious mind.
There might be sneaky or lower-vibe behavior in twin flame connections. It’s a time of potential relapses and regrets about situations, connections, or events from your past.

On September 16 there’s a Sun – Uranus (retrograde) trine. You might start to understand why things didn’t come to a conclusion until now.
The lessons and frequencies you were meant to go through and then release might not come into full view yet. But you’re becoming more confident about forging ahead on your journey, even when there are no quick fixes in sight.
September 17 brings in two powerful energies. There’s a Venus – Jupiter (retrograde) square and a Moon-Pluto (retrograde) square.
Divine Feminine energies in particular can have issues related to karmic debts and the progress (or lack thereof) on overcoming and releasing them. You could struggle with a feeling of abandonment or isolation.
Don’t allow these trying times to overwhelm you. Remember that it’s your destiny to achieve divine union. The universe and the divine will step in to support and guide you when you need it.
All you have to do is ask for spiritual support and guidance. Reach out to the collective, too! In times of uncertainty or spiritual distress, your soul tribe can be a source of great comfort and joy.
Your spiritual team is by your side at every step. However dark the night sky might seem, remember that morning always comes. The brilliant sunrise will come in and cast everything in an entirely new light.
You just have to brave through this rougher phase. There are great opportunities to make a lot of progress with your journey. Ground your energy and try to shift your perspective. Look at things from your higher spiritual perspective.
Ride the energetic waves safely, dear collective. Blessings and may the stars guide you well!
If you’d like to dive deeper, you can find this month’s forecast for each individual sign here. We’ll go sign by sign with a detailed look at the month, allowing you to add specific context and celestial guidance for the journey to union.
You can also use our twin flame birth chart calculator for a look at your unique natal chart and what it can tell us about your twin flame path.
You’ll find a new twin flame forecast in the newsletter each week.
Remember: Just like using any other tool (like twin flame readings or twin flame numerology), you should take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Let your intuition guide you on the important parts of your journey at this moment.