I wanted to share a view on the no-contact part of separation. One of the most striking points was how the struggle of no contact hits us in waves, and even though we try to find reasons to move on, nothing seems to shake our deep love. It’s like living in a constant state of yearning, even when we know they’ve moved on.
No contact is a daily struggle. Not every minute of everyday but it comes in waves. I’ve been looking for reasons to be mad and let go but nothing ordinary will make me change the way I feel about you. I understand you’re not perfect. I love you flaws and all and haven’t been successful at convincing myself not to.
I celebrate each day I honor my word not to reach out. But the desire doesn’t lessen. The feelings don’t fade. The temptation is still there. Just choosing to discipline and suppress my desires.
It’s such an interesting way to live. An interesting way to love.
Another member shared their experience of giving themselves permission to reach out but choosing peace and patience instead. They check in occasionally to ensure their twin is okay but mostly let the universe guide their journey. Such a beautiful reminder that sometimes, not forcing things can bring the most peace.
Someone else echoed these feelings but noted how telepathy isn’t enough – they crave the physical touch and voice of their twin. Patience is key, but it’s definitely a challenge! The humor and longing in their comment really resonated with many of us.
It’s fascinating to see how everyone navigates this unique experience differently. Some find solace in discipline and others in gentle surrender, yet we all share the same deep, unending love. This discussion beautifully ties into our ongoing theme of balancing love and patience on our twin flame journeys.
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful. But a snapshot of the stars at the moment of your births (combined) can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart