The video discusses the concept of soul shock experienced by the divine feminine during a twin flame journey. When the divine masculine separates, the divine feminine feels intense pain and disconnection, often triggering a profound spiritual awakening.
The divine masculine does not experience soul shock in the same way, as they represent a projection of the divine feminine’s energy. The journey is about the divine feminine’s personal growth, self-love, and elevation to higher frequencies.
The divine feminine goes through soul shock during the separation from the divine masculine, experiencing intense pain and distress. This separation forces the divine feminine to embark on an awakening journey, rediscovering their true self and recognizing that the love they felt was always within them.
While the divine masculine feels the connection’s intensity, they do not experience soul shock in the same way. The journey is centered around the divine feminine’s growth and self-love, as they learn to manage triggers and elevate their frequency.
Ultimately, the twin flame journey is about the divine feminine’s path to wholeness, shedding negativity, and embracing their innate perfection. By taking radical responsibility for their thoughts and actions, the divine feminine manifests their desires and progresses on their spiritual journey.
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful. But a snapshot of the stars at the moment of your births (combined) can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart